Logging into myRICS community
If you have already registered with RICS you'll use the same details to login to the myRICS community so please skip to logging in.
If you don’t have an existing account on rics.org

Visit rics.org
Click “My Account” by clicking at the button top right-hand side of the page. This should take you to the RICS single sign on page.

Click “Register now” at the bottom of the text. This should take you to the registration page.

Fill out your details.

Create a new password for your account.

Accept the Terms & Conditions and validate your registration
A Verification email will be sent, to check the email address. Follow the link to sign in and finish setting up your account.
Forgotten Account password
If you have forgotten your password please reset your password at rics.org.
Logging in as an existing RICS member or customer
Click on the sign in button at the top right. If the system detects that you’re already logged into rics.org then this should log you straight into the community

Login using your rics.org user account details

You should now be successfully logged into myRICS community