Getting started

Welcome to myRICS community

An exclusive online space where members can exchange ideas, share documents and network with fellow professionals who work in the built environment.

We understand that a new platform can take a bit of getting used to so we've compiled some tips that will help you get the most value out of myRICS community. We're sure you're eager to dive into some discussions but taking a little time to set a few things up will help you have the best experience possible in the community.

Adding some personal information, setting your privacy and configuring your chosen notifications will all help ensure that you're getting the most from myRICS community.

Adding a little more information about yourself is a great starting point. Letting your fellow members know a little about your background and skills makes it easier to connect with like-minded professionals, whilst adding a picture makes your posts seem a little friendlier and more personal. To get started with your profile try adding things like:

  • Profile picture - help people put a face to the name
  • Bio – tell us a little bit about yourself
  • Specialisms - making it easier connect with fellow professionals working in the same field
  • Links to your other social media accounts

You can access your profile by clicking on the Profile Panel on the at the top left of the main Activity Feed, by clicking the small profile picture at the top right of the screen or just click here.

Image of community home page profile panel

Information you've already made available in will also be available to the community database, you can control what is visible to other members by changing your privacy settings which is covered in the next section. There are certain sections of your profile that are editable on myRICS community directly such as your bio and profile picture, however things like your email address and company name are sourced from your account.

Clicking on the edit icon for those details will redirect you the the My Account page on where you can update them. If there's any data that you're unable to edit on please contact RICS Member Support who will be able to assist.

myRICS community uses the data from to ensure accuracy and consistency, however by default only your name is set to be visible to other users when you first register. You can decide what information you would like to be displayed by visiting

Profile>My Account> Privacy Settings

Privacy settings screenshot

Here you can choose exactly what information you’d like others to be able to see, with the following options

  • Public – visible to all users of myRICS community
  • Members Only – only visible to RICS members, candidates and RICS staff
  • My Contacts – only visible to those people who you have accepted as a contact
  • Only Me – No one but yourself, effectively private

To get the most out of myRICS community we’d recommend at least making your Picture, Bio, Country either Public or Members only. Typically non-members will be fellow professionals who work alongside RICS members in the built environment, or prospective members who have not yet begun their journey to qualification and wish to learn more about the profession.

To keep you up-to-date with community activity you can choose to receive email digests from the groups you join. This can make it easier to see if there are any discussions of interest to you if you don’t have time to browse the site. When you first join myRICS community you will automatically be added to the Members Lounge group shortly after registration if you are an RICS member or candidate. By default you won’t get email digests from this group, but you can enable them by visiting

Profile>My Account> Group Notifications

Group notifications screenshot

and select what notifications you would like to receive:

  • No Email – you won’t get any email digests from the group
  • Real time – you’ll get an email notification whenever a new post is created
  • Daily Digest – a daily email that summarises all the day’s content from a single group
  • Weekly Digest – a weekly email summarising the content in a group from that week
  • Daily Consolidated Digest – a single daily email that contains content from multiple groups, based on your selection
  • Weekly Consolidated Digest- a single weekly email that contains content from multiple groups, based on your selection

When you manually join a group you should be prompted to choose if you want to receive email notifications, however you can change these settings at any time and configure them however you wish by visiting the Group Notifications page. For example, if a group is of particular interest to you and is also quite active you may want to set up a daily digest, or even real-time notifications, to ensure you don’t miss anything.

For groups that are less of a priority setting up a weekly digest or even bundling them into a consolidated digest may work best. That way you can keep an eye on what’s happening in those spaces without having to actively browse the groups.

Outside of your Group Notifications myRICS community uses email to keep you up to date with community activity. This includes things like key system messages, notifying when you have a private message or are tagged in a discussion, moderation notices etc.

You can review these settings at

Profile>My Account> Email Preferences

Email preferences screenshot

You can choose to opt out of any emails except for System ones as these are used to communicate key information regarding your community membership.

myRICS community is a welcoming, inclusive space intended to be a valuable resource for everyone who participates. We hope you enjoy your time here, and to ensure the best possible experience for all our users we have established some basic guidelines. Please take some time to familiarise yourself with them, as well as our full our full myRICS community Terms and Conditions.

Please do:

  • Reach out - Explore the myRICS community member directory and connect with RICS members and other users of the community who share your interests and areas of expertise.

  • Contribute to discussions - If you think you can help with a question please do not hesitate to jump in with a reply, even if it looks like it has already been answered.

  • Start discussions - If nobody is talking about the issues that matter to you, do not be afraid to start the conversation yourself.

  • Be clear – Use clear and concise subject lines in your posts. This allows users to respond more appropriately to your post and will make it easier for users to search the archives by subject matter.

  • Share your knowledge – Whether it’s an industry article you have written, a blog or a podcast, we want you to share it with the wider community.

  • Be bold – Don’t feel you have to shy away from discussing some of the more contentious issues of the day, all we ask of you is to keep it civil and on topic.

  • Be respectful and professional - Differences of opinions can often lead to the most productive discussions. Just remember to keep the conversation polite and refrain from personal attacks or insults. Be courteous and respectful towards other users of the community.

  • Be bold - Please be respectful of other’s personal preferences in regard to how they wish to be addressed, e.g. names, titles and pronouns.

  • Show your appreciation – If you find a user’s post insightful, please let them know either with a reply or simply with a ‘Like’. Just make sure to send thanks to the original poster and not the entire list by using the "Reply to Sender" link.

  • Look after your community If you see any content that does not abide by these guidelines or the myRICS community terms and conditions you can either flag it as inappropriate, report it to a member of the Community Team, or email the admins at

Please don't

  • Break the law – Only use the myRICS community for legal purposes, do not post any illegal content or anything that can be deemed as fraudulent and do not enter the myRICS community under another users’ registration or details.

  • Post any inappropriate content – Posting untrue, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, menacing, harassing, abusive, profane, racist, threatening, offensive or illegal content, or any such materials, is strictly prohibited. This applies to any linked or uploaded content as well as to your own posts.

  • Use foul language or offensive/insulting behaviour – Please keep the conversation civil. Do not use any profanities or insults in your posts towards other users of the community.

  • Post private information - Users should not disclose any personal or confidential information beyond what is available to the public (i.e. confidential client information) or that an individual has agreed may be disclosed. This would apply even in cases where someone’s name is not specifically mentioned. Please do not disclose any sensitive or personal information about yourself or others – this includes information about health, ethnicity and political opinion. Further information can be found in the myRICS community terms and conditions.

  • Advertise or use repetitive posts - Please refrain from posting unsolicited commercial messages or posting any content that could be deemed as spam. This applies to both community discussions and private messaging.

  • Infringe intellectual property - Only post your own original content, or content that you have consent or authorisation to post. The community should not be used to distribute any unauthorised copyrighted materials. Please refer to your obligations under the myRICS community Terms and Conditions if you are unsure.

  • Post admin requests in discussions – Please use your personal settings to unsubscribe yourself from any lists or alerts. If you are changing your email address, you do not need to unsubscribe from any lists as you can simply re-join with your new email address. This can all be done under your settings.

  • Discuss any actions taken by the moderators on the community - Please refrain from posting about community rules, moderation, or other administrative topics or rulings in any discussion threads. If you wish to discuss anything with the moderators or offer feedback, please do contact us via email

Hopefully you’re now feeling a bit more comfortable with myRICS community so it’s time to get involved! Please take the time to browse the groups to see if there’s any that match your interests or skills, then have a scroll through the news feed to see what the latest discussions are. If there's a question you can answer please don't hesitate to join the conversation. And if there's a hot topic you want to discuss, or maybe something you've learned that might help your fellow members then why not start a new discussion yourself? .

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If you have any questions please message a member of the Community Team or email